Troop Activities

If we can get participation, we will ring bells for the Salvation Army
this Saturday, December 17.  Please sign up as parent/son groups.  Mr. Maline's got
4-5, 5-6 and 6-7PM available; all in front of Papa Murphy’s.

We have a Christmas party / Court of Honor potluck next Monday, December
19.  If your last name starts A-L, please bring a salad or desert.  If your
last name begins M-Z, please bring a casserole.
6  - 6:15  Arrival
~6:30       Eat
7:00         Court of Honor
                 ** A few skits and songs during the court of honor

We have a cabin at Fred C. Anderson reserved for the weekend of January 7.
We will have several webelos there; Maline expects 6 to 8.

We will again assist Pack 211 with their pinewood derby in February.  More
info to follow.

There is a sign up sheet at the troop meeting for Snow Base.  This is the
best opportunity you will ever get to learn how to comfortably camp outside
in the winter. Approx. $70 per scout.  January 27-29.

Klondike Derby, February 11, in North Hudson at the Rod & Gun Club.

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Hello Scouts,
Patrick Christianson has an opportunity for many of you that need to complete the Citizenship in the Community merit badge requirement #3a to attend a public January the North Hudson Park Board meets on Monday night Jan 9, and Mr. Maline has suggested that any scout that needs this requirement may be excused from the normal meeting to attend this.  Here are the details:
North Hudson Park Board
Monday, January 9 at 6:30pm
Village Hall, 400 7th St. North
Please plan on being at the Village Hall at 6:25 to be seated before the meeting begins...Patrick has attached the minutes of the last meeting in October so the scouts can understand the issues discussed previous to this meeting, and also see the list of board members that they may also choose to interview for requirement #4b.
Mark your calendar and don't pass up this great opportunity to complete this requirement!
Feel free to email him directly with any questions,
-Pat Christiansen
Merit Badge Counselor, Citizenship Merit Badges

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Rechartering Dues

Hello, Thank you to those who have already submitted their 2012 recharter dues.   If you haven't done so, please either drop your $15.00 per person check off tonight or send it to me at the address below (payable to Troop 140).  Thanks in advance.

Carol Loncar
183 Riverview Acres Road
Hudson, WI  54016

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Troop 140 Scouts,
We still have 4-24" wreaths left, 1 cross, and 1- 15' garland left.
It would be nice to be able to sell these items, otherwise it means a loss of $88.00 in revenue for the troop.
If there is a customer that you were not able reach or a relative or friend that you have not checked with, please do so.

Carl Meincke

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Hello! Frank and I will be handling the Troop 140 rechartering for next year.   The dues remain unchanged at $15.00.  We would like to have this done by 12/15.  Please either drop off a check (payable to Troop 140) or cash at the troop meetings to one of us (Bob Maline, Steve Dierke, Jenny Boylan or me) in the next two weeks or you can also send it to me at:
Carol Loncar
183 Riverview Acres Road
Hudson, WI  54016

Leaders:  Note, if you didn't take the leadership training last year, you will need to do so this year prior to rechartering. Let me know if you have questions on this.
Carol Loncar

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Imortant wreath dates

November 7 (Monday): Carl Meincke will need a breakdown by item of what you have sold at this point. he's going to give our wreath supplier a "preliminary count" on Monday night.

November 14 (Monday): Carl Meincke will need your final numbers as our wreaths will arrive on Friday.

November 18 (Friday): Wreaths will be delivered to scouts homes after 12:00 PM. We will leave items at your house-you need not be home.

Help needed

On Friday, November 18, the truck is scheduled to arrive at 12:00 noon. We will need help unloading, staging orders, and delivering orders. If you have a trailer, truck or van, and could help with deliveries, we would greatly appreciate it. Please let Carl know if you can help.

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Wreath orders have been placed

I placed our wreath order this evening. Based on last year's sales by present members of our troop, we are about 100 items behind last year. If every scout would sell 4 more items we would equal last year's amount. It would be even more impressive if could surpass last year's total!

So, please keep selling!

I can order additional items through Wednesday, November 16.

Delivery Date
November 18 is wreath delivery date.

Help needed

At this point in time I have have no one who has volunteered to help on November 18 (Friday). The truck will be at my house at 12:00 PM, and we will need help sorting and delivering products. If you are free, I would appreciate your help.

Carl Meincke
Wreath Sales Chair

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Troop 140 needs some help!

This note is specifically for parents of T140 scouts who are not currently registered as a Merit Badge Counselor.

How Can you Help?

The Boy Scouts of America currently offers over 120 Merit Badges (MBs) and we would like counselors for many of them. Please see the attached MB list to find those that you have an interest in because of a job, hobby or just want to learn more. We especially want some additional MB counselors for the Eagle Required MBs. A friend or relative may make a great MB Counselor.....please help recruit them!

If your not sure what something means....just ask Mr. Zins or "Google" it!

What are the next steps?
Please let Mr.Zins know which MBs you are interested in. he'll guide you through the simple MB Counselor Registration process and point you toward the necessary resources.
You meet with scouts upon request either at a troop organized time or separately (following the Youth Protection Guidelines) when it fits your schedule to guide them with their MB progress. This commitment it pretty estimate of 2-10 hours per year depending upon the number of scouts interested and the specific MB. It is up to the scout to complete the MB requirements, not you.
You have great personal satisfaction knowing that you have positively contributed to the growth of a young man.

Yours In Scouting,
The webmaster

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invitation by Charlie

Hey guys its charley, this is a reminder and person check for the owl patrol get together for the 14th of November Packer -Viking football game at 7:30 pm... this will be on Monday and it has been moved to my house at 725 lynn circle north... it is off of 8th and Monroe street in Northhudson by Seasons Tavern. please arrive by 7:15 pm and bring 5 dollars. i will previde snacks and the money will get us awesome pizza. if you want to bring a snack you may but you don't have to by any means. after the pizza is ordered the extra money will be divided up evenly. PLEASE RESPOND TO THIS LETTER ASAP TO TELL ME YOUR COMING.

Thanks guys,
Charley Wanner

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Mr. Maline be out of town for 2 weeks, but available by e-mail or cell phone.
Mr. David Mienke is adult in charge Oct. 31 and Mr. Zins is in charge Nov.
7. Eric will of course handle the troop meetings. Mr. Maline will be back for the
Nov. 14 troop meeting.

Keep going on your wreath sales. This is when you can earn money for all
the trips shown below. 35 units are the minimum for the troop - you get $3
per unit after that. One family had the policy that the scout had to talk
to someone in every home in the territory – they sold hundreds of wreathes.

Maline's got 3 deposits for the August Boundary Waters Canoe trip. If we get
a minimum of 6 we’ll send it in; otherwise we’ll have to relinquish our
reservation. He'll need a $220 deposit per person, both scouts and adults. If
you provide the deposit now and your scout earns enough in wreath sales,
you can take a refund from his scout account. Total expected cost of the
trip is $600 per person.

Oct. 31 – Troop meeting. Costumes & Game Night.


Nov. 5 – Merit Badge Saturday. Not too late to sign up. If you have
questions, please call Mr. Zins. Parents of our younger scouts – events
like this are one reason so many Troop 140 scouts attain the rank of eagle.
The link to register and other paperwork is

Nov. 11 - We have 2 adults (Mr. Holmes will be adult in charge, Mr.
Bredahl will assist) and possibly a 3rd for the November 11 camp out near
Green Bay. We’ve got 6 boys signed up (Grady H., Eric K., Nick H, Joe F.,
Zach V., Cole B). See attached permission slip. We can take more scouts
or adults. See Mr. Holmes to sign up.

Mr. Meincke – When is wreath pickup day? I’ve got it as Nov. 18 on the
calendar, but I don’t know that I’ve got the right date.


Dec. 2 - Mr. Maline has asked Mrs. Boylan to see if we can get Trinity Church gym
for Friday night December 2 for a lock in. We’ll offer 2 merit badges,
games, movies, food and all the sleep you want. One of those might be a
slight exaggeration. We’ll invite Webelos for the first part of the


Jan. 6-8 – We have a cabin reserved at Fred C. Anderson for Friday &
Saturday night. Webelos recruiting event.

Jan. 27-29 – Snow Base at Camp Tomahawk. Approximately $70 per scout.
This is the premier outdoor winter scout activity in the country. For the
Snow Huskies program we sleep in a bunk house; for the Spearhead program we
sleep outside in winter sleeping bags provided by the camp. As of today,
there are 17 spots for Snow Huskies and 19 spots for Spearhead for this
weekend. I’ll need a $35 deposit to reserve your spot. If you are
interested, please notify me. Learn more at the web address shown below.


Feb. 10-12 – Klondike Derby Saturday.


We’ve got 3 people with a paid deposit for the August 12 Boundary Waters
high adventure canoe trip. We need a minimum of 3 more for the crew and we
can take a maximum of 8 total. $220 per person deposit is due in October;
total expected cost of the trip is about $600 per person.

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announcements for coming events

Thur, Nov 3 --- Roundtable Meeting, New Richmond. For those of you that
don’t know, this is a meeting of all the adult scout leaders in Eagle River
District (Burnett, Polk, St. Croix, Pierce Counties in Western Wisconsin
plus Hastings, MN area). Information about upcoming events plus any odds
and ends people want to discuss. We usually have 2-3 attendees from Troop
140 each month. If you’ve never attended and would like to check it out,
let me know.

Sat, Nov 5 --- Merit Badge Saturday in Hastings.
Register on your own. Also, I’d like to know if any adults are planning
to attend. There is adult training available.

Mon, Nov 7 --- Troop Meeting

Tue, Nov 8 --- Committee Mtg

Fri-Sun, Nov 11-13 --- Campout, Green Bay

Mon, Nov 14 --- Troop Meeting

Mon, Nov 21 --- Troop Meeting

Mon, Nov 28 --- Troop Meeting

Fri, Dec 2 --- Lock-In

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Merit Badge Saturday

Merit Badge Saturday is coming up! You can get most of the requirements for many badges out of the way all at once by doing this. It's November 5th in Hastings MN.

Follow the link below to go to the site to sign up on your own. Look for the registration page.

Mr. Maline will talk about this at our meeting tonight. Each scout registers on his
own so you don't have to wait for the troop.

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Troop 140 Update

Just a very quick note of thanks to our team that helped Pack 148 / 215
with their parents meeting last night. Alec Christiansen, Floyd Johnson,
Nick Pilarski, Grady Holmes, Charley Wanner, Zach Verdoorn and Mr. Holmes
joined Mr. Maline in teaching the cub scouts skits while their parents discussed pack
business for the new year. Our scouts did a great job organizing the cubs
and showed a very friendly face for Troop 140. This was valuable service
to the pack and the troop. Mr.Maline is very hopeful that this and other
recruiting activities will result in 12 or more new scouts for our troop in
February / March of 2012.

Also, in an unrelated note, all scouts please bring in your Scout Handbook
Monday so Mr. Spaight can ensure his records are up to date. Scouts, as
soon as you read this note, go get your handbook and put it in a place you
won't forget it on Monday!

Lastly, those scouts that only need to invite someone to a scout meeting
to meet your next rank advancement, do it right now. Within 24 hours of
reading this e-mail, invite someone to the October 3 troop meeting (normal
time 7:00 at Bethel).

Best regards,
The Webmaster

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Wreath Sales Packets

Scouts are reminded that wreath packets will be distributed on Monday, September 26, before, during or immediately after the meeting. Packets will only be given to a parent.

There are still several excellent territories available, please see Mr. Meincke on Monday night if you are interested. Sales begin on Monday, September 26. Remember, you need to stay in your territory until Monday, October 10!

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upcoming events

Hello all - see below for several important items.

Election results
Our new leadership team consists of Eric Kolb (Senior Patrol Leader),
Floyd Johnson (Jackalope Patrol Leader), Charley Wanner (Owl Patrol
Leader), Alec Christiansen (ASPL), Eric Lusardi (ASPL), Andrew Spaight
(Quartermaster), Zach Verdoorn (Chaplain’s Aide). Eric has confirmed
the availability of Jacob Orr to take another term as Webmaster and to have Joe Francel as Historian.

Pack 211 meeting
Many thanks to Alec Christiansen, Jack Boylan, Noah Zins, Eric Lusardi,
Nick Holter and Vance Zins for helping Pack 211 with their recent pack
meeting. Our scouts taught the cub scouts skits in the first half of the
meeting while the adults had a parent’s meeting, then the cubs performed
their skits for the parents. It was a great success. We performed a
valuable service, everyone had fun, and the Pack 211 scouts and adults know
that Troop 140 is a friendly and fun place to be.

Mon, Oct 3 --- Troop Meeting. Start of the new leadership term.

Mon, Oct 10 --- Court of Honor and parents meeting. I'd like to have one
meeting each year where we have at least one parent from each family for a
general discussion. I haven't quite figured out the structure of the
night's meeting yet, but please try to have one adult from each family
present. All family members are welcome.

Mon, Oct 17 --- Troop Meeting.

Fri, Oct 21 --- 3 Day Campout, Star Prairie, WI. District Conservation

Mon, Oct 24 --- Troop Meeting

Sat, Oct 29 --- University of Scouting. This is the best scout training
opportunity in the district; it's conducted twice each year.

Sat, Nov 5 --- Merit Badge Saturday in Hastings.

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Kim Pilarski availability

Scouting Friends,
Kim Pilarski will be available at the next 3 Troop meetings for scouts that would like to talk to her about Personal Fitness or Family Life Merit Badges.
So far she have appointments with:
Eric K
Alec C
Eric L

Kim Pilarski

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Sam Green Eagle Project

Attention all Scouts and Scouters,

Sam Green needs your help - Sam is completing his final plans for his
Eagle Project. The project Sam has been approved to do is the following;

Sam is providing some needed projects at The Heritage Green Park
Development which is located just South of Interstate 94 - just past the
Hudson Hospital. The park has a large play structure for the children and
there is a basketball court and a very large field for the children to run
and play.

Sam has decided to put in a large cement bench for parents to sit and
watch their children play which is near the play structure. Sam is also
putting in a 20 foot by 20 foot patio with paver stones - this will be the
primary project as we will need to put down a layer of sand and then the
paver stones which is also near the play structure. All of the rest of
work has already been completed. The finishing touch will be a rather
large 8 foot picnic table that Sam will have completed by the time we

Here are the directions to the park;

Take the frontage road past the hospital called Stageline Rd heading East.

The Heritage Green Development is past Red Cedar Development - take
a right into Heritage Green and take a left on Heritage Blvd and then a
on Friendskeep Green - take another right on Promenade and you will see
the play structure on the left. It is a huge play structure.

The dates for us to meet at the Heritage Green Park will be Saturday Sept
10th with a rain date of Sunday Sept 11th.

Please meet us at 9:00 AM on Saturday morning and if it rains - then we
will meet at 1:00 PM on Sunday.

Please bring work gloves, a hat and maybe some sun screen. We will
provide a dining fly to get out of the sun, water/soda, snacks and Pizza.
If there are any adults who have experience in putting paver stones in we
really need and appreciate your help and guidance.

Please make sure you put these dates on the family calendar and if it
is possible, could you let Sam know of your willingness to help. At the
end of the project Sam will provide names and work hours to the troop for
recording purposes. We will send out one more announcement when the
work dates get closer. According to extended weather forcast - it should
sunny with a high at 70 degrees with a breeze.

Yours in Scouting,

Sam Green
Troop 140


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tidbits of information

Hello Troooooooooooppp One Foooooorrrrrrrtttttyyyyyy,

Monday, Sept 5 --- Labor Day, No Troop Meeting

Mon, Sept 12 --- SPL / Patrol Leader nominations

Tue, Sept 13 --- PLC @ 5:30, Committee Meeting @ 7:00.

Fri, Sept 16 --- Leave for Fall Camporee at Forts Falle Avoine, Danbury,

Mon, Sept 19 --- SPL / PL Elections

Thu, Sept 22 --- Pack 211, 4 scouts from our troop will help with Pack
211's new parents night. We'll do games and skits with the cub scouts
while the pack adults talk to the new parents. We've got 2 older scouts
lined up (Alec & Jack) signed up; we need 2 younger scouts from Owl patrol.

Sun, Sept 25 --- Junior Leader Training for the new leadership team.
12:30 - 5:00 pm.

Mon, Sept 26 --- PET DAY!!! Everyone is encouraged to bring your pet.
We'll meet in the parking lot and walk to a nearby area where we can have
some room to interact with the pets. All pets must be leashed the entire
time. Bring bags to clean up after your pet. Each scout must be able to
control their leashed pet or bring an adult that can.

Mon, Oct 3 --- Troop Meeting. Start of the new leadership term.

Mon, Oct 10 --- Court of Honor and parents meeting. Mr. Maline would like to have one
meeting each year where we have at least one parent from each family for a
general discussion. he hasn't quite figured out the structure of the
night's meeting yet, but please try to have one adult from each family
present. All family members are welcome

Mon, Oct 17 --- Troop Meeting.

Fri, Oct 21 --- Campout

Mon, Oct 24 --- Troop Meeting

Sat, Oct 29 --- University of Scouting. This is the best scout training
opportunity in the district; it's conducted twice each year.

Sat, Nov 5 --- Merit Badge Saturday in Hastings.

best regards
Jacob orr

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Upcoming Events

August 15 Troop Meeting – Kickball at the Willow River cinder lot on the corner of 5th and Oak Streets. Please wear your class B. I will be there but we will need a 2nd adult.

August 19-21 – Eagle River Order of the Arrow (OA) Fall Conclave at Glenn Hills Park in Glenwood City. If you are unable to attend this weekend please contact me or visit the council website for other district conclaves.

August 22 Troop Meeting – Regular time and location.

September 16-18 - Eagle River district camporee at historic Forts Folle Avoine near Danbury, WI. Note, The Fort is on the national register of historic places; this visit can help meet a requirement for Citizenship in the Nation merit badge. Also, please start looking now for anything you could turn into a costume as a trapper or fur trader, blacksmith or Native American. There will be awards for best costume.

As some of you already know, our SPL Alec Christensen broke his arm last weekend. Yesterday he received surgery to repair his break and is at home recovering. We wish him a speedy recovery.

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Campout Cancelled

The Weitkamp Woods campout scheduled for Saturday has been cancelled due to the lack of a scout participation and a 2nd adult.

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Mr. Moline will be out of town for the next two weeks and over the August 8th meeting. Please call him if you can be an adult present at the meeting as we need 2. Alec and the youth leader have their meetings planned, so the adults will be needed for oversight and for questions only.

If you are going to the WeitKamp Woods trip bring your signed permission slip and payment on Monday night. The permission slip is located under the links tab on the right side of this page.

If you are going to Fort Folle Avoine, start thinking about what you can use for a costume that represents a trapper, fur trader, blacksmith or native american. There will be awards for best costumes!

Lastly, Mr. Moline still needs an adult to step forward and be our Citizenship in the Nation merit badge counselor. Others will help guide you and you won't regret it.

Thanks - Jacob

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Upcoming Activities and Special Request

August 13 - One night camp out at Weitkamp Woods. Games, exploring, all cooking will be done over a campfire, and we'll have a bonfire in the evening.

September 16-18 - Eagle River district camporee at Fort Folle Avoine near Danbury, WI.
The Fort is on the national register of historic places; this visit can help meet a requirement for Citizenship in the Nation merit badge.

In other news...

We've got many scouts with a partial merit badge in the eagle-requireed Citizenship in the Nation. Mr. Moline needs an adult to take over as merit badge counselor. You do not need to be an expert in this topic, there are many adults that can and will advise you - and the requirements are clearly spelled out. If you haven't yet been a merit badge counselor, contact him for this - you'll enjoy it.

Finally, please see the link to the 2011-2012 calendar on the right.

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Merit Badge List for Tomahawk

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One more important note on camp

Hello All,

We're leaving for Tomahawk in 6 days!! It's time to tie together all the
loose ends.
Gather at Bethel at 8:00 AM Saturday for departure at 9:00 sharp.
Please bring cameras. We'd like to send a picture to the paper and Mr.
Dierke needs a picture for a fundraiser he is arranging.
Wear your class A with neckerchief.
Bring a bag lunch. Also, eat breakfast before you arrive.
Leave electronics at home. Anything there will be left in a hot car for 1
week; we can't be responsible for damage.
No food packed in your gear. Parents, do not send snacks, we can't have
food in the tents.

1) Health forms. Mr. Bredahl has in his hands health forms for Alec,
Noah, Cole, Joe, Jacob, Grady, Jack B., Sam, Chandler, Charley, and Zach.
(We need signatures on page 2 of Zach's form).

We still need forms for Kyle, Eric L., Jack S., and Nick.

Adults: we've got up to date health forms for Scott H, Charles H, Bob M,
and Tony B.
We still need Jim G, Mark L, Gary R, Jim S, and Mark F.

2) Permission Slips
We still need permission slips for Eric L., Grady, Jack S., Jacob, Joe,
Nick, Noah, Sam, Zach.

3) Swim Tests
We do not have swim tests for the following boys. If you do not arrange
an alternate test you will need to take the test at camp.
Cole, Grady, Jack B., Jack S., Jacob, Joe, Noah, Sam.

4) Payment
As of the last update I received from Mrs. Boylan and one check I received
last Monday the campers shown below still have some balance due on camp
payment. In some cases the balance is the full payment and in some cases
it is just a small balance. And in some cases Mrs. Boylan has noted she
already has talked to the parent and knows when she'll receive payment.
Please see Mrs. Boylan to arrange payment before next Saturday.
Charley, Cole, Grady, Jack S., Jacob, Kyle, Nick, Sam

If you have questions about gear or anything else, please call me.

Mr. Maline

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Message from Mr. Maline to all Tenderfoot and Second Class scouts

Tenderfoot and Second Class Scouts,

Please check your books to see if you have completed first class activity
#5, "Visit and discuss your rights and obligations as a US citizen with a
public official." If you haven't, there may be an opportunity before we
leave for camp. The Hudson city parks board meets the first Tuesday each
month. That would be 5:30, Tuesday, July 5. Last months meeting was at
the Weitkamp Park pavillion; I'll keep an eye out for when this months
meeting is.

Let me know if you are interested.

Best regards,
Mr. Maline

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Friday, June 24th - Relay For Life

FRIDAY, JUNE 24 – Relay for Life. Sally Holter is working with Pam Ehrnreiter as our coordinator. Please sign up to work the food booth for a portion of this event which runs from 4:00 PM Friday to 10:00 AM Saturday. Sally will manage the schedule, please contact her directly to sign up. Sally can be reached at 715-381-3103 or or

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Wednesday, June 22nd - Swim Test

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22 – Swim test 6:30-7:30 PM. Jack Boylan and Alex Renn will be our lifeguards. Mr. Moline needs a few other adults to attend as well. Please call him if you can help out. Get your swim test for sure if you’re going to camp – scouts and adults.

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Tuesday, June 21st - PLC Meeting

TUESDAY, JUNE 21 – PLC, 5:30 at Bethel. SPL, ASPLs, Patrol Leaders, and scribe required

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Monday June 20th - Prepare For Camp

MONDAY, JUNE 20 – Camp physicals. Please have your health forms filled out ahead of time (other than the physician part, of course). There is a link to it on the right. Even if you’re not going to Tomahawk, please get your physical now. We’ll use this health form for all the campouts throughout the year. Don’t forget, both sides of your health insurance form. If you’ve already got a health form filled out by a doctor this year (for Seabase or other activity), please bring it tomorrow.

Also, tomorrow we’ll go through the equipment each scout should bring.
There are equipment lists on the right as well.

Pick merit badges for camp. I’ve got the MB selections for the following
Grady, Nick, Zach, Eric L., Cole, Jacob O., Noah, Alec.

I need selections for the following scouts:
Kyle, Joe F., Jack S, Jack B, Sam G.
See the Chippewa camp supplement for info on merit badges, pages 4 & 5.

If there are other scouts that would like to go, it is not too late.
Tomahawk charges a $10 late fee, but it is not too late to sign up even though we’ve paid our (non-refundable) deposits.

Pay remainder of camp fees – or have them deducted from your scout
account. See Jenny Boylan for your balance. The total this year
including camp fees, transportation and troop supplies is $280.00.

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Potential Community Service Projects

Pam Ehrnreiter sent Mr. Maline an inquiry from the Salvation Army requesting bell
at County Market and Family Fresh Fri/Sat in the Month of July
(10am-8pm). The troop will be tied up with Tomahawk the weekend of July 9
and 16.

July 1, 2
July 22, 23
July 29, 30 are possiblities

*Please let Mr. Moline know if you are interested. If there are enough positive responses we'll do it. If not, we'll have to say no.*

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Spring Court Of Honor

June 6th, is the Spring Court of Honor.
On cooking the burgers/ hotdogs we have Jackalope Patrol, and Owl Patrol will be cleaning up trash in the park as a service project so everyone (Jackalope and Owl) please be there at 6:00. We will eat at 6:30, and have the actual Court of Honor at 7:00. Besides the burgers and the hotdogs, if everyone would please bring a dish, that would be great. Assignments are as follows:
Last name begins with:
A to H – Entrees
I to P – Side Dishes
Q to Z – Desserts

For the Court of Honor, Patrols please prepare skits and yells. I have noticed that skits are much better if prepared, rather than on the spot.

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Memorial Day Service At Cemetery

Scouts of Troop 140,

Tomorrow, May 30, as I’m sure you all know, is Memorial Day. We are holding a ceremony at Willow River Cemetery at 10:00, so if you can make it, please be there by 9:30 so we can practice flags and hand out packets. On flags, we have Jake M, Floyd J, Cole B, and Kyle J with Jack B doing the calling. Also, wear your full class A and BRING WATER!

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New links to forms

Check out the links to the forms you need if you are planning on going to the Expo or Camporee in May or White Water rafting in June.

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Astronomy Class

Mike Lynch (WCCO meteorologist and local astronomer) is presenting two astronomy classes in the area: Houlton Elementary this Wednesday from 8 to 10 PM and again
Thursday in New Richmond from 8 to 10PM. Because I learned of this so recently please consider this an FYI notice if you and your family are interested – we will not organize a troop activity around it. This class is not set up specifically around BSA astronomy merit badge, however, if someone attends and wishes follow up with the remaining requirements for the merit badge I will make sure we have someone who can fulfill the role of advisor.

For the Houlton class call Hudson community education at 715-377-3722 for reservations. I believe the cost is $20 for an adult and somewhat less for those under 18. For New Richmond call 715-243-7411 for location and reservations or go to

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Meetings Next Week

There will be NO Court of Honor or pot luck on Monday, April 11. That event has been rescheduled to June 6. Instead, we will have a regular troop meeting on Monday. There is a PLC meeting Tuesday, April 12 starting at 5:30.

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Junior Leader Training, Sunday April 10

We will have troop leadership training (also referred to as junior leader
training) this Sunday, April 10, from 1 to 5 PM at Bethel Lutheran.

Alec has contacted scouts for the following positions or they have been
elected by their patrol:
Eric K., ASPL
Grady H., ASPL
Floyd J., ASPL
Noah Z., PL
David H., PL
Eric L., QM
Andrew S., Scribe

The following scouts may not be aware that Alec would like them to serve,
he will be contacting them ASAP:
Eric S., OA Rep
Jacob O., Webmaster
Charley W., Librarian/Historian
Kyle J., Chaplain’s Aide

Please e-mail both Alec and Mr. Maline to confirm you’ve received this and
we hope to confirm you are able to attend Sunday’s training session.

Note: we have a PLC scheduled for Tuesday, April 12. Even though this
will mean 3 days in a row of scout meetings, I would like to proceed with
that meeting if possible. We will confirm either by e-mail or in the
Sunday leadership training session that we have enough scouts available for
the Tuesday PLC. Stay tuned.

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Empty Bowls Saturday

Don't forget, New Richmond Community Education is hosting an "open pottery studio" where folks can make pottery bowls that will be sold during the Empty Bowls fundraiser later this month. The funds will benefit local food shelves and food programs for needy families. The art room at the New Richmond High School will be open from 9:30 to 4:00 pm Saturday, April 2. Clay will be available. Your bowl will be glazed and fired by the high school students. Please stop by and contribute your creation to this wonderful event.

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T2 Programs at Tomahawk

For scout that will be 14 years old by summer camp in July, there are 4
advanced "T2" programs they can take part in if they wish. These programs
take the place of merit badges and most of the daily activities in camp.

1) T-2 In camp - Biking, climbing, shooting, etc. on the Tomahawk
property. $260.
2) T-2 Out of Camp Variety - A variety of climbing, biking, water sports,
etc. outside Tomahawk. $295.
3) T-2 Climbing Adventure - Climbing activities all week in and out of
Tomahawk. $275.
4) T-2 Sailing/Whitewater Adventure - Water activities all week in an out
of Tomahawk. $275.

If you are interested, please e-mail me right away and send or deliver a
$50 deposit to the treasurer. Specify which activity you want to do and your
current age and rank. Registrations will be sent in as soon as received;
we'll follow with the deposits.

The costs are similar to regular summer camp. You can use money from your
scout account earned with wreath sales for anything beyond the deposit.

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We will be having a meeting tonight march 7.

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March Camp-out Canceled

I'm sorry to have to cancel our March outing to Tomahawk / Hayward scheduled for March 18. We were unable to get the two adults we needed for this camp out. Ordinarily we would have plenty of time to continue organizing and recruiting, but with my travel schedule for work I needed to set a much earlier deadline.

Some payments have already been turned in; refunds will be issued or the money will be put in scout's for future activities, whichever is prefered by the parent.

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Scouting Heritage Merit Badge

The local scouting museum is putting on the scouting heritage merit badge on March 12. Click HERE if you are interested. Scouting Heritage Merit Badge - Class 2011-03-12-AM Saturday
This is a good activity that a small group can go to.

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Tomahawk Outing

Permission slips for the March 18 trip to Tomahawk are due TODAY. Unfortunately, I am unable to upload a copy to the website but you will find paper copies at the meeting tonight. I need two adults and the interested boys to commit to the trip TODAY. If you are not going to be at the troop meeting, but are going on this outing, please call my cell before the meeting Monday. Sorry for the early deadline, but it is necessary.

Permission slips for the Galena trip in April will be posted later this week.

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PLC Early, Tuesday, March 1

The March patrol leaders council (PLC) meeting and troop committee meeting are both a week earlier than they typically would be due to Hudson schools spring break. Both will be Tuesday, March 1.

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No Meeting Tonight, Feb. 21

Troop 140 follows the same schedule for closings as the school. So since school is closed today because of the weather, Troop 140 will NOT have the regular Troop meeting tonight.

We will plan to meet again next Monday, February 28th as normal.

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Potential Eagle Project

Funds are available for an Eagle Project at River Crest Elementary School. A private donor has memorial funds set aside for an outdoor classroom. If you are interested, please contact Mr. Meincke.

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Hot Air Affair Assistance Needed

On Wednesday, February 2, from 5:00-6:00 PM, the Hot Affair committee has requested troop 140's help with "stuffing" bags for participants with informational flyers. There will be pizza and pop afterwards for all who help.

We need at least one adult and as many scouts that would be available to help, as we are the only group that are available to help this year. There will be a sign up sheet at scouts on Monday, or contact Mr. Meincke.

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Klondike Derby

Here is a photo of Eric, Jacob, and Tyler at the Klondike Derby this past weekend. They took 3rd place in the geochaching event!

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coming up

All scouts that are not first class rank should bring scout books every week. Those that are first class or beyond, bring them if you have something to sign off, possibly from just having completed an EDGE training activity at a recent camp out (hint, hint).
Reminder, we have a court of honor Monday, January 17. This will also be our Christmas party which got snowed out in November. Scouts to be there at 6:00. Owl patrol scouts are cooking ravioli and spaghetti under supervision of Mr. Green. Jackalope patrol scouts are setting up room for dinner (and decorating??). Owls bring sides/salads; Jackalopes bring desserts. Skits and songs are in order!
Sun, Jan 30 - Still a few spots open to help with Pack 211 pinewood derby. Bring your old cars!
Tues, Feb 8 - Next PLC, 5:30.
Feb 11-13 - Cabin at Phillipo Scout Camp and a trip to the Spam Museum in Austin, MN. I need a second adult to sign up. You'll have a great time!
Mar 18-20 - Cabin at Tomahawk with day trip to Hayward, WI. I need a second adult to sign up. You'll have a spectacular time!
April 22-24 - U.S. Grant Pilgrimage in Galena, IL. I need a second adult to sign up. You'll have a fantastic time and probably have the opportunity to confiscate several pocket knives during the weekend!

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Upcoming Events and Deadlines

The Seabase crews and parents will have a brief status meeting tomorrow, Monday, January 3, at 6:30 pm.
The rescheduled Christmas party will be combined with our court of honor scheduled for January 17.
Tomorrow, 1/3, is the deadline to sign up for the January cabin campout at F.C. Anderson. Please have $20 fee and permission slip.
Tomorrow, 1/3, is also the deadline to sign up for the 1-day Klondike Derby on Saturday, January 15. Please have $10 fee and permission slip.
Next PLC is January 11, 5:30 pm.
Sunday, January 30, we’ll be helping with the Pack 211 pinewood derby.
We’ve reserved a cabin at Phillipo Scout Camp for our February outing which includes a trip to the Spam Museum.

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Eagle Project Idea

Steve Wilcox offered the following suggestion for an Eagle Project. There are at least 13 Hudson’s in the U.S.; a sign in front of the library or in Lake Front park including the direction and distance to those 13 Hudson’s would be quite an attraction. Steve has bounced this idea off the Daybreak Rotary Club with considerable support so even making a couple 3 of these and placing them around town could be a possibility. Funding through Rotary is also a possibility for this.

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