Monday June 20th - Prepare For Camp

MONDAY, JUNE 20 – Camp physicals. Please have your health forms filled out ahead of time (other than the physician part, of course). There is a link to it on the right. Even if you’re not going to Tomahawk, please get your physical now. We’ll use this health form for all the campouts throughout the year. Don’t forget, both sides of your health insurance form. If you’ve already got a health form filled out by a doctor this year (for Seabase or other activity), please bring it tomorrow.

Also, tomorrow we’ll go through the equipment each scout should bring.
There are equipment lists on the right as well.

Pick merit badges for camp. I’ve got the MB selections for the following
Grady, Nick, Zach, Eric L., Cole, Jacob O., Noah, Alec.

I need selections for the following scouts:
Kyle, Joe F., Jack S, Jack B, Sam G.
See the Chippewa camp supplement for info on merit badges, pages 4 & 5.

If there are other scouts that would like to go, it is not too late.
Tomahawk charges a $10 late fee, but it is not too late to sign up even though we’ve paid our (non-refundable) deposits.

Pay remainder of camp fees – or have them deducted from your scout
account. See Jenny Boylan for your balance. The total this year
including camp fees, transportation and troop supplies is $280.00.

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