Merit Badge Saturday

Merit Badge Saturday is coming up! You can get most of the requirements for many badges out of the way all at once by doing this. It's November 5th in Hastings MN.

Follow the link below to go to the site to sign up on your own. Look for the registration page.

Mr. Maline will talk about this at our meeting tonight. Each scout registers on his
own so you don't have to wait for the troop.

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Troop 140 Update

Just a very quick note of thanks to our team that helped Pack 148 / 215
with their parents meeting last night. Alec Christiansen, Floyd Johnson,
Nick Pilarski, Grady Holmes, Charley Wanner, Zach Verdoorn and Mr. Holmes
joined Mr. Maline in teaching the cub scouts skits while their parents discussed pack
business for the new year. Our scouts did a great job organizing the cubs
and showed a very friendly face for Troop 140. This was valuable service
to the pack and the troop. Mr.Maline is very hopeful that this and other
recruiting activities will result in 12 or more new scouts for our troop in
February / March of 2012.

Also, in an unrelated note, all scouts please bring in your Scout Handbook
Monday so Mr. Spaight can ensure his records are up to date. Scouts, as
soon as you read this note, go get your handbook and put it in a place you
won't forget it on Monday!

Lastly, those scouts that only need to invite someone to a scout meeting
to meet your next rank advancement, do it right now. Within 24 hours of
reading this e-mail, invite someone to the October 3 troop meeting (normal
time 7:00 at Bethel).

Best regards,
The Webmaster

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Wreath Sales Packets

Scouts are reminded that wreath packets will be distributed on Monday, September 26, before, during or immediately after the meeting. Packets will only be given to a parent.

There are still several excellent territories available, please see Mr. Meincke on Monday night if you are interested. Sales begin on Monday, September 26. Remember, you need to stay in your territory until Monday, October 10!

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upcoming events

Hello all - see below for several important items.

Election results
Our new leadership team consists of Eric Kolb (Senior Patrol Leader),
Floyd Johnson (Jackalope Patrol Leader), Charley Wanner (Owl Patrol
Leader), Alec Christiansen (ASPL), Eric Lusardi (ASPL), Andrew Spaight
(Quartermaster), Zach Verdoorn (Chaplain’s Aide). Eric has confirmed
the availability of Jacob Orr to take another term as Webmaster and to have Joe Francel as Historian.

Pack 211 meeting
Many thanks to Alec Christiansen, Jack Boylan, Noah Zins, Eric Lusardi,
Nick Holter and Vance Zins for helping Pack 211 with their recent pack
meeting. Our scouts taught the cub scouts skits in the first half of the
meeting while the adults had a parent’s meeting, then the cubs performed
their skits for the parents. It was a great success. We performed a
valuable service, everyone had fun, and the Pack 211 scouts and adults know
that Troop 140 is a friendly and fun place to be.

Mon, Oct 3 --- Troop Meeting. Start of the new leadership term.

Mon, Oct 10 --- Court of Honor and parents meeting. I'd like to have one
meeting each year where we have at least one parent from each family for a
general discussion. I haven't quite figured out the structure of the
night's meeting yet, but please try to have one adult from each family
present. All family members are welcome.

Mon, Oct 17 --- Troop Meeting.

Fri, Oct 21 --- 3 Day Campout, Star Prairie, WI. District Conservation

Mon, Oct 24 --- Troop Meeting

Sat, Oct 29 --- University of Scouting. This is the best scout training
opportunity in the district; it's conducted twice each year.

Sat, Nov 5 --- Merit Badge Saturday in Hastings.

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Kim Pilarski availability

Scouting Friends,
Kim Pilarski will be available at the next 3 Troop meetings for scouts that would like to talk to her about Personal Fitness or Family Life Merit Badges.
So far she have appointments with:
Eric K
Alec C
Eric L

Kim Pilarski

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