Upcoming Events

August 15 Troop Meeting – Kickball at the Willow River cinder lot on the corner of 5th and Oak Streets. Please wear your class B. I will be there but we will need a 2nd adult.

August 19-21 – Eagle River Order of the Arrow (OA) Fall Conclave at Glenn Hills Park in Glenwood City. If you are unable to attend this weekend please contact me or visit the council website for other district conclaves.

August 22 Troop Meeting – Regular time and location.

September 16-18 - Eagle River district camporee at historic Forts Folle Avoine near Danbury, WI. Note, The Fort is on the national register of historic places; this visit can help meet a requirement for Citizenship in the Nation merit badge. Also, please start looking now for anything you could turn into a costume as a trapper or fur trader, blacksmith or Native American. There will be awards for best costume.

As some of you already know, our SPL Alec Christensen broke his arm last weekend. Yesterday he received surgery to repair his break and is at home recovering. We wish him a speedy recovery.

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