August 13 - One night camp out at Weitkamp Woods. Games, exploring, all cooking will be done over a campfire, and we'll have a bonfire in the evening.
September 16-18 - Eagle River district camporee at Fort Folle Avoine near Danbury, WI.
The Fort is on the national register of historic places; this visit can help meet a requirement for Citizenship in the Nation merit badge.
In other news...
We've got many scouts with a partial merit badge in the eagle-requireed Citizenship in the Nation. Mr. Moline needs an adult to take over as merit badge counselor. You do not need to be an expert in this topic, there are many adults that can and will advise you - and the requirements are clearly spelled out. If you haven't yet been a merit badge counselor, contact him for this - you'll enjoy it.
Finally, please see the link to the 2011-2012 calendar on the right.
Upcoming Activities and Special Request
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