Troop Activities

If we can get participation, we will ring bells for the Salvation Army
this Saturday, December 17.  Please sign up as parent/son groups.  Mr. Maline's got
4-5, 5-6 and 6-7PM available; all in front of Papa Murphy’s.

We have a Christmas party / Court of Honor potluck next Monday, December
19.  If your last name starts A-L, please bring a salad or desert.  If your
last name begins M-Z, please bring a casserole.
6  - 6:15  Arrival
~6:30       Eat
7:00         Court of Honor
                 ** A few skits and songs during the court of honor

We have a cabin at Fred C. Anderson reserved for the weekend of January 7.
We will have several webelos there; Maline expects 6 to 8.

We will again assist Pack 211 with their pinewood derby in February.  More
info to follow.

There is a sign up sheet at the troop meeting for Snow Base.  This is the
best opportunity you will ever get to learn how to comfortably camp outside
in the winter. Approx. $70 per scout.  January 27-29.

Klondike Derby, February 11, in North Hudson at the Rod & Gun Club.

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