We will have troop leadership training (also referred to as junior leader
training) this Sunday, April 10, from 1 to 5 PM at Bethel Lutheran.
Alec has contacted scouts for the following positions or they have been
elected by their patrol:
Eric K., ASPL
Grady H., ASPL
Floyd J., ASPL
Noah Z., PL
David H., PL
Eric L., QM
Andrew S., Scribe
The following scouts may not be aware that Alec would like them to serve,
he will be contacting them ASAP:
Eric S., OA Rep
Jacob O., Webmaster
Charley W., Librarian/Historian
Kyle J., Chaplain’s Aide
Please e-mail both Alec and Mr. Maline to confirm you’ve received this and
we hope to confirm you are able to attend Sunday’s training session.
Note: we have a PLC scheduled for Tuesday, April 12. Even though this
will mean 3 days in a row of scout meetings, I would like to proceed with
that meeting if possible. We will confirm either by e-mail or in the
Sunday leadership training session that we have enough scouts available for
the Tuesday PLC. Stay tuned.
Junior Leader Training, Sunday April 10
6:45 AM |