In case you happened to go on here in the last 30 minutes and the calender and links didn't work they are now working. The site was "under construction."
Test Run for Scoutmaster
This is a practice post in case I need to use it directly in the future. I'll continue to rely on our webmaster for all our standard postings. - Mr. Maline
Merit Badge Information - Important!
Greetings Scouters,
This note is intended to provide some general information about Merit Badges for newer scouts and their parents with a few potential nuggets for experienced scouts as well. While any Boyscout can pursue a Merit Badge with the Scoutmaster's approval, it's generally recommended that the scout be at least Tenderfoot, otherwise his time may be better spent working toward advancement. Attached are a few documents that you may find interesting and helpful dealing with BSA Merit Badges (MB). Please refer to your Scout Handbook for the number and type of MBs required for each rank advancement.
1. This file shows a good recommended order and suggested timing for taking the Eagle required MBs. For a brand new scout this may be a good plan to follow. While there is no right or wrong order or timing, there is good logic behind this suggestion.(See your email: yearly merit badge matrix.pdf)
2. This file gives a little background on the MBs. The more difficult a MBs are generally better suited for older scouts. Please note this is copyright protected. Additional information can be found at: your email for: Merit Badges descriptions.xls)
3. This file lists T140's current MB Counselors. Please contact the appropriate counselor or discuss with me/Scoutmaster if you are interested in starting a MB. If you know of someone (including parents) not on this list that would make a good counselor for a particular MB, please contact me or Mr. Steve Dierke. We will offer many of these on a rotating basis at least once every 2-3 years with added focus on the Eagle Required MBs.(See your email for: Merit Badge Counselors 2011.pdf)
4. Lastly for new parents: We want you to help with our Troop's MB program. The Boy Scouts of America currently offers over 120 Merit Badges (MBs) and we would like counselors for many of them. If the parents of each family volunteer for 5 MB we can easily provide a strong MB program for our scouts. Please see the MB lists from your email to find those that you have an interest in because of a job, hobby or just want to learn more. We especially want some additional MB counselors for the Eagle Required MBs. A friend or relative may make a great MB Counselor.....please help me recruit them! If your not sure what something means....just ask me or "Google" it!
What are the next steps? Please let me know which MBs you are interested in. I'll guide you through the simple MB Counselor Registration process and point you toward the necessary resources.You meet with scouts upon request either at a troop organized time or separately (following the Youth Protection Guidelines) when it fits your schedule to guide them with their MB progress. This commitment it pretty minimal....I'd estimate 2-10 hours per year depending upon the number of scouts interested and the specific MB. It is up to the scout to complete the MB requirements, not you. You have great personal satisfaction knowing that you have positively contributed to the growth of a young man.
Yours In Scouting,ASM Vance ZinsT140 Merit Badge Coordinator
Family Life Merit Badge
We will be offering the Family Life Merit Badge before the troop meetings at 6:30 PM starting April 16. Mrs. Kim Pilarski will be the Merit Badge Counselor. This is an Eagle Required MB and new scouts are encourage to take advantage of this opportunity. It is open to anyone who has not yet completed it. It will take approximately 3 to 4 of these 30 minutes sessions plus a follow-up meeting after the 90 day "chores" period to complete the requirements (see requirements below).I will have a sign-up sheet at the next troop meeting.
1. Prepare an outline on what a family is and discuss this with your merit badge counselor. Tell why families are important to individuals and to society. Discuss how the actions of one member can affect other members.
2. List several reasons why you are important to your family and discuss this with your parents or guardians and with your merit badge counselor.
3. Prepare a list of your regular home duties or chores (at least five) and do them for 90 days. Keep a record of how often you do each of them.
4. With the approval of your parents or guardians and your merit badge counselor, decide on and carry out a project that you would do around the home that would benefit your family. Submit a report to your merit badge counselor outlining how the project benefited your family.
5. Plan and carry out a project that involves the participation of your family. After completing the project, discuss the following with your merit badge counselor: 1. The objective or goal of the project 2. How individual members of your family participated 3. The results of the project
6. Do the following: 1. Discuss with your merit badge counselor how to plan and carry out a family meeting. 2. After this discussion, plan and carry out a family meeting to include the following subjects: 1. Avoiding substance abuse, including tobacco, alcohol, and drugs, all of which negatively affect your health and well-being2. Understanding the growing-up process and how the body changes, and making responsible decisions dealing with sex 3. Personal and family finances 4. A crisis situation within your family 5. The effect of technology on your family Discussion of each of these subjects will very likely carry over to more than one family meeting.
7. Discuss the following with your counselor: 1. Your understanding of what makes an effective father and why, and your thoughts on the father's role in the family 2. Your understanding of the responsibilities of a parent.
Yours In Scouting, Vance ZinsT140 ASM/MB Coordinator
Court of honer update
4-9 (Monday) Court of Honor. This is a potluck dinner. Families,including siblings are encouraged to attend. If your last name starts A-L, please bring a casserole or similar. If your last name begins M-Z, pleasebring a salad or dessert. Arrive 6-6:15; eat 6:30; CoH 7:00.
Upcoming troop events
4-9 (Monday) Court of Honor. This is a potluck dinner. Families,including siblings are encouraged to attend.4-15, we’ll have to collect a $25 deposit for scouts going to summer campbefore 4-15. This does not apply to first year scouts; they still have topay the same fee, but Tomahawk does not require a deposit at this time fornew scouts. Total cost this year is $285. With a $10 late fee if youdon’t turn in a deposit now it would be $295. Make your $25 check out toTroop 140.
4-21 (Sat.) University of Scouting, 8:30-4:30, Lakeville South HS, 21135Jacquard Ave. This is a great opportunity for adults to learn detailsabout how you can be a better volunteer in scouting. I started going after5 years as a den leader and 2 years as an assistant scout master. Ithought I knew a lot then – I learned how much more there was to learn.There may be as many as 100 classes to choose from.
4-22 (Sun.) Floyd Johnson’s eagle court of honor, tentative.
4-27 (Fri.) Several of our long time adult volunteers regularly attend this event. (Galena)
4-27 (Fri-Sun.) Camp out in Galena, IL. Families of new scouts note:because this is a long trip out of town and we don’t know your boys’capabilities and especially because they haven’t gotten to know us verywell yet, every new scout that attends will need a familiar adult to attend with them. An adult can serve that role for more than one scout, but thescout must be very comfortable with that adult if it’s not their ownparent. Permission slip is attached.
5-11 (Fri-Sun.) Eagle River district Spring Expo camp out at the Polk County Fair Grounds, St. Croix Falls. The organizing troop is requestingattendees wear class B activity shirt and camouflage pants if you havethem.
5-28, Memorial Day at Willow River Cemetary. We will take part in theflag raising ceremony as part of the Memorial Day program; approximately 9:30 AM. No evening meeting.
June or Aug/Sept - For those adults that have taken and enjoyed their BSA adult leader training, please consider the next step: Wood Badge training. It is a wonderful experience. In addition to making me better at guidingyouth leaders, skills learned at Wood Badge have made me a better leaderand performer at work. They are offering it in two formats this year: a week long class June 25-30 (yes, you take vacation or otherwise take time off from work) and a two-weekend class Aug 24-26 and Sept 14-16 (requiringtwo Fridays off work). I know it’s a huge time and financial commitment,but I’m very glad I went.
All adults that take part in the program with the scouts (either as a registered adult leader or as an adult participant on an outing) are required to complete Youth Protection training. This link gets you to the on-line training page. Select the link to Access My Scouting here. At the log in page, log in if you already have a user name and password. If not, create a new account.When you're in, select the Training, E-Learning link on the left sidemenu. Scroll down and select the Boy/Varsity Scout tab. From this page you can take the two courses most important for you at this point: Youth Protection TrainingFast Start: Boy Scouting Thanks for your participation.
Best regards, Bob
troop meetings
Mar 12 (Mon) – Troop Meeting. Leadership elections.
Mar 19 (Mon) – No Meeting. Spring break.
Troop Meeting events
Look at that, winter’s finally here! I thought we were just going to goright into spring!!
Jan 16 (Mon) – We are having a troop meeting tomorrow (1/16). I know we traditionally don’t meet when school doesn’t meet, but I missed the fact it was MLK day. We’ve got a meeting planned, so let’s proceed with it. Agenda: Winter survival skills, a knot we haven’t used before called the Icicle Hitch (it’s so reliable you could tie it to an icicle and it wouldn’t slip!!), and other games. Also we’ll be planning patrol meetings away from the troop meetings and begin prep for Klondike Derby. We had planned a snowman contest, but unless something changes, we’ll have to delay that.
Jan 22 (Sun) - Pack 211 Pinewood Derby. Please plan to attend this fun event. We’ll help with the racing and judging their cars. Please let me know if you will be there.
Jan 23 (Mon) – Troop Meeting. Order of the Arrow elections. Candidates must be first class and have 14 (I think) nights of camping. The whole troop votes: OA members and those who are not. We can elect as many boys as have earned this honor (it’s not limited to just one). All OA members please wear your OA sash.
Jan 30 (Mon) – Troop Meeting.
Sunday, Feb. 5. - Snowsports MB (or ski/board if
already earned) at Trollhaugen. Mr. Zins will have a sign-up sheet and more details
tonight at the troop meeting.
Feb 6 (Mon) – Troop Meeting. We’ll start Personal Management merit badge sometime in early February. Mr. Verdoorn will be the advisor. It will be in 30 minute sessions starting at 6:30 prior to the troop meeting. This is an eagle-required merit badge! More information to come.
Feb 7 (Tue) – Committee Meeting.
Feb 11 (Sat) - Eagle River District Klondike Derby at the Hudson Rod & GunClub in North Hudson. This is our outdoor activity for February. Activities include target shooting w/ 22-caliber rifles at 50 feet, firebuilding, two-man cross cut saw, bridge building, snow golf, snow sled obstacle course, tree identification.
Feb 13 (Mon) – Troop Meeting Fingerprinting Merit Badge will be presented during the troop meeting. Did you know the modern science of forensic criminology (as you see on the CSI shows) began when J. Edgar Hoover had the FBI create a national library of criminal finger prints? This is a direct ancestor of our current DNA evidence field. If you already have this merit badge we’ll have other activities for you.
Mar 2-4 (Fri-Sun) – Cabin camping at Phillippo near Cannon Falls. Nighttime snow tubing on the camp’s lighted hill!! This will be the first campout for some of the Webelos that will soon be bridging over. We’ll teach them what to expect in a Troop 140 camp out. Experienced scouts will be teaching lessons.
Best regards, Mr. Maline
Hot Air Affair
Troop 140 Scouts and Parents;The Hot Affair Committee has again requested our assistance in "stuffing "bags for hot air participants. Date: Wednesday, February 1Time: 5:00-approximately 6:00 PM Where: Grand Hotel (used to be the Hudson Hudson) Food: there will be pizza an pop when we are done. Mr. Meincke will have a sign up sheet at scout meetings. If you need service hours this will count.
Upcoming Events
Happy New Year to all Troop 140 members, friends, and family! There is no troop meeting Monday night, January 2. We do have a PLC thatafternoon, details in separate e-mail.Jan 6-8: We have a campout the weekend of January 6-8 at Fred C.Anderson. Please respond by e-mail or phone to let me know if your scoutwill be attending (and if you would like to attend as a parent). We’ll doelectricity merit badge and build a warming fire (with heat reflector andlean-to) and play games with webelos guests.Jan 22: Pack 211 Pinewood Derby. Please plan to attend this fun event.We’ll help with the racing and judging their cars.Feb 11: Eagle River District Klondike Derby at the Hudson Rod & Gun Clubin North Hudson.Update on Snow Base at Camp Tomahawk: our preferred dates of Jan 27, 28are now filled up; as I received no requests for this I haven’t sent any(non-refundable) deposits. There are dates available Jan 13,14; Feb 3,4(Superbowl weekend); and Feb 17, 18. If anyone is interested, contact meimmediately. We could set it up for a little as one scout and one parentor with two or more scouts with two parents.
Best regards,Mr. Maline
Rechartering info.
Hi - This is my last reminder for rechartering. I will be completing the recharter in the next week or so so please send me your check by Monday, 12/26. Let me know if there are issues or concerns. Also, if you need to take your leadership training, please do that as well as the system won't allow me to recharter you if you are required to take it but havent done so. Send $15 checks to me at the address below (payable to Troop 140).
Thanks in advance.
arol Loncar183 Riverview Acres RoadHudson, WI 54016