Greetings Scouters,
This note is intended to provide some general information about Merit Badges for newer scouts and their parents with a few potential nuggets for experienced scouts as well. While any Boyscout can pursue a Merit Badge with the Scoutmaster's approval, it's generally recommended that the scout be at least Tenderfoot, otherwise his time may be better spent working toward advancement. Attached are a few documents that you may find interesting and helpful dealing with BSA Merit Badges (MB). Please refer to your Scout Handbook for the number and type of MBs required for each rank advancement.
1. This file shows a good recommended order and suggested timing for taking the Eagle required MBs. For a brand new scout this may be a good plan to follow. While there is no right or wrong order or timing, there is good logic behind this suggestion.(See your email: yearly merit badge matrix.pdf)
2. This file gives a little background on the MBs. The more difficult a MBs are generally better suited for older scouts. Please note this is copyright protected. Additional information can be found at: your email for: Merit Badges descriptions.xls)
3. This file lists T140's current MB Counselors. Please contact the appropriate counselor or discuss with me/Scoutmaster if you are interested in starting a MB. If you know of someone (including parents) not on this list that would make a good counselor for a particular MB, please contact me or Mr. Steve Dierke. We will offer many of these on a rotating basis at least once every 2-3 years with added focus on the Eagle Required MBs.(See your email for: Merit Badge Counselors 2011.pdf)
4. Lastly for new parents: We want you to help with our Troop's MB program. The Boy Scouts of America currently offers over 120 Merit Badges (MBs) and we would like counselors for many of them. If the parents of each family volunteer for 5 MB we can easily provide a strong MB program for our scouts. Please see the MB lists from your email to find those that you have an interest in because of a job, hobby or just want to learn more. We especially want some additional MB counselors for the Eagle Required MBs. A friend or relative may make a great MB Counselor.....please help me recruit them! If your not sure what something means....just ask me or "Google" it!
What are the next steps? Please let me know which MBs you are interested in. I'll guide you through the simple MB Counselor Registration process and point you toward the necessary resources.You meet with scouts upon request either at a troop organized time or separately (following the Youth Protection Guidelines) when it fits your schedule to guide them with their MB progress. This commitment it pretty minimal....I'd estimate 2-10 hours per year depending upon the number of scouts interested and the specific MB. It is up to the scout to complete the MB requirements, not you. You have great personal satisfaction knowing that you have positively contributed to the growth of a young man.
Yours In Scouting,ASM Vance ZinsT140 Merit Badge Coordinator
Merit Badge Information - Important!
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