Upcoming troop events

4-9 (Monday) Court of Honor. This is a potluck dinner. Families,including siblings are encouraged to attend.4-15, we’ll have to collect a $25 deposit for scouts going to summer campbefore 4-15. This does not apply to first year scouts; they still have topay the same fee, but Tomahawk does not require a deposit at this time fornew scouts. Total cost this year is $285. With a $10 late fee if youdon’t turn in a deposit now it would be $295. Make your $25 check out toTroop 140.
4-21 (Sat.) University of Scouting, 8:30-4:30, Lakeville South HS, 21135Jacquard Ave. This is a great opportunity for adults to learn detailsabout how you can be a better volunteer in scouting. I started going after5 years as a den leader and 2 years as an assistant scout master. Ithought I knew a lot then – I learned how much more there was to learn.There may be as many as 100 classes to choose from.
4-22 (Sun.) Floyd Johnson’s eagle court of honor, tentative.
4-27 (Fri.) Several of our long time adult volunteers regularly attend this event. (Galena)
4-27 (Fri-Sun.) Camp out in Galena, IL. Families of new scouts note:because this is a long trip out of town and we don’t know your boys’capabilities and especially because they haven’t gotten to know us verywell yet, every new scout that attends will need a familiar adult to attend with them. An adult can serve that role for more than one scout, but thescout must be very comfortable with that adult if it’s not their ownparent. Permission slip is attached.
5-11 (Fri-Sun.) Eagle River district Spring Expo camp out at the Polk County Fair Grounds, St. Croix Falls. The organizing troop is requestingattendees wear class B activity shirt and camouflage pants if you havethem.
5-28, Memorial Day at Willow River Cemetary. We will take part in theflag raising ceremony as part of the Memorial Day program; approximately 9:30 AM. No evening meeting.
June or Aug/Sept - For those adults that have taken and enjoyed their BSA adult leader training, please consider the next step: Wood Badge training. It is a wonderful experience. In addition to making me better at guidingyouth leaders, skills learned at Wood Badge have made me a better leaderand performer at work. They are offering it in two formats this year: a week long class June 25-30 (yes, you take vacation or otherwise take time off from work) and a two-weekend class Aug 24-26 and Sept 14-16 (requiringtwo Fridays off work). I know it’s a huge time and financial commitment,but I’m very glad I went.

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