Upcoming Events

Happy New Year to all Troop 140 members, friends, and family! There is no troop meeting Monday night, January 2. We do have a PLC thatafternoon, details in separate e-mail.Jan 6-8: We have a campout the weekend of January 6-8 at Fred C.Anderson. Please respond by e-mail or phone to let me know if your scoutwill be attending (and if you would like to attend as a parent). We’ll doelectricity merit badge and build a warming fire (with heat reflector andlean-to) and play games with webelos guests.Jan 22: Pack 211 Pinewood Derby. Please plan to attend this fun event.We’ll help with the racing and judging their cars.Feb 11: Eagle River District Klondike Derby at the Hudson Rod & Gun Clubin North Hudson.Update on Snow Base at Camp Tomahawk: our preferred dates of Jan 27, 28are now filled up; as I received no requests for this I haven’t sent any(non-refundable) deposits. There are dates available Jan 13,14; Feb 3,4(Superbowl weekend); and Feb 17, 18. If anyone is interested, contact meimmediately. We could set it up for a little as one scout and one parentor with two or more scouts with two parents.

Best regards,Mr. Maline

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