If we can get participation, we will ring bells for the Salvation Army
this Saturday, December 17. Please sign up as parent/son groups. Mr. Maline's got
4-5, 5-6 and 6-7PM available; all in front of Papa Murphy’s.
We have a Christmas party / Court of Honor potluck next Monday, December
19. If your last name starts A-L, please bring a salad or desert. If your
last name begins M-Z, please bring a casserole.
6 - 6:15 Arrival
~6:30 Eat
7:00 Court of Honor
** A few skits and songs during the court of honor
We have a cabin at Fred C. Anderson reserved for the weekend of January 7.
We will have several webelos there; Maline expects 6 to 8.
We will again assist Pack 211 with their pinewood derby in February. More
info to follow.
There is a sign up sheet at the troop meeting for Snow Base. This is the
best opportunity you will ever get to learn how to comfortably camp outside
in the winter. Approx. $70 per scout. January 27-29.
Klondike Derby, February 11, in North Hudson at the Rod & Gun Club.
Troop Activities
Hello Scouts,
Patrick Christianson has an opportunity for many of you that need to complete the Citizenship in the Community merit badge requirement #3a to attend a public meeting...in January the North Hudson Park Board meets on Monday night Jan 9, and Mr. Maline has suggested that any scout that needs this requirement may be excused from the normal meeting to attend this. Here are the details:
North Hudson Park Board
Monday, January 9 at 6:30pm
Village Hall, 400 7th St. North
Please plan on being at the Village Hall at 6:25 to be seated before the meeting begins...Patrick has attached the minutes of the last meeting in October so the scouts can understand the issues discussed previous to this meeting, and also see the list of board members that they may also choose to interview for requirement #4b.
Mark your calendar and don't pass up this great opportunity to complete this requirement!
Feel free to email him directly with any questions,
-Pat Christiansen
Merit Badge Counselor, Citizenship Merit Badges
Rechartering Dues
Hello, Thank you to those who have already submitted their 2012 recharter dues. If you haven't done so, please either drop your $15.00 per person check off tonight or send it to me at the address below (payable to Troop 140). Thanks in advance.
Carol Loncar
183 Riverview Acres Road
Hudson, WI 54016
Troop 140 Scouts,
We still have 4-24" wreaths left, 1 cross, and 1- 15' garland left.
It would be nice to be able to sell these items, otherwise it means a loss of $88.00 in revenue for the troop.
If there is a customer that you were not able reach or a relative or friend that you have not checked with, please do so.
Carl Meincke
Hello! Frank and I will be handling the Troop 140 rechartering for next year. The dues remain unchanged at $15.00. We would like to have this done by 12/15. Please either drop off a check (payable to Troop 140) or cash at the troop meetings to one of us (Bob Maline, Steve Dierke, Jenny Boylan or me) in the next two weeks or you can also send it to me at:
Carol Loncar
183 Riverview Acres Road
Hudson, WI 54016
Leaders: Note, if you didn't take the leadership training last year, you will need to do so this year prior to rechartering. Let me know if you have questions on this.
Carol Loncar