Meeting Tonight


          I hope you all had a great Christmas. I just wanted to let everybody know that there is a regular troop meeting tonight. We will be preparing for the upcoming camping trip to Fred C. Anderson.

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Troop Meeting 12/16/2013


          Just wanted to update you with the agenda for this week's Troop meeting.


Theme: Cooking

Opening Ceremony: Scorpion will be doing flags and leading us in the Scout Motto.

Skills Instruction: Toucan will be teaching us about Food Preparation and Saffety

Patrol Meetings: We will be preparing our skills presentations for the Weblos on the 23rd and also discussing the trip to Fred C.

Interpatrol Activity: Chef's Kit Relay

Closing: Toucan is on flags.

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Troop Website is Up and Running


          This is my first post as webmaster this term. I wanted to let everybody know that the website is back up and running. The calendar is updated with all of the information from the PLC, and you can also check out what is going on every week for the rest of the month.The website will be constantly updated every time I get new information from the PLC's or Troop meetings. If you have anything that you would like me to add to the Troop Website you can email me at

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On Monday the 27th, be at Willow River Cemetery for the Memorial Day Service in full class A's. We will meet at the cemetery at 9:30 AM. The service starts at 10:00 AM. Be sure to bring water, because the time there can feel like a ten Bazillion eternities.

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Meeting on Sunday the 19th

On Sunday the 19th, we will have our weekly meeting. We will meet at Bethel at 7:00 PM, then walk over to Gabe Maki's house to view and learn about the working submarine that Mr. Maki built. Once we are done with that, we will walk back to Bethel to have our closing ceremony, then end at 8:00 PM rather than the usual 8:30 PM.

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