Pam Ehrnreiter sent Mr. Maline an inquiry from the Salvation Army requesting bell
ringers at County Market and Family Fresh Fri/Sat in the Month of July
(10am-8pm). The troop will be tied up with Tomahawk the weekend of July 9
and 16.
July 1, 2
July 22, 23
July 29, 30 are possiblities
*Please let Mr. Moline know if you are interested. If there are enough positive responses we'll do it. If not, we'll have to say no.*
Potential Community Service Projects
Spring Court Of Honor
June 6th, is the Spring Court of Honor.
On cooking the burgers/ hotdogs we have Jackalope Patrol, and Owl Patrol will be cleaning up trash in the park as a service project so everyone (Jackalope and Owl) please be there at 6:00. We will eat at 6:30, and have the actual Court of Honor at 7:00. Besides the burgers and the hotdogs, if everyone would please bring a dish, that would be great. Assignments are as follows:
Last name begins with:
A to H – Entrees
I to P – Side Dishes
Q to Z – Desserts
For the Court of Honor, Patrols please prepare skits and yells. I have noticed that skits are much better if prepared, rather than on the spot.
Memorial Day Service At Cemetery
Scouts of Troop 140,
Tomorrow, May 30, as I’m sure you all know, is Memorial Day. We are holding a ceremony at Willow River Cemetery at 10:00, so if you can make it, please be there by 9:30 so we can practice flags and hand out packets. On flags, we have Jake M, Floyd J, Cole B, and Kyle J with Jack B doing the calling. Also, wear your full class A and BRING WATER!