On Monday, September 27, packets will be distributed to scout's parents for our upcoming wreath sale.
For first year scouts and new scout parents, there will be a short meeting at 7:00 PM to explain the troops wreath sale fund raiser.
Remember that the first two weeks, you may sell ONLY in your territory!
Parents, please stop by the meeting to pick up your son's packet. This saves the troop funds as they will have to mailed out if they are not picked by parents on Monday night.
Wreath Sales
Eagle Project Sunday, Sept 19
On September 19, from 12:30 to 4:30 P.M., Dominic Meincke will be working on his Eagle Project at River Crest Elementary School. The project is building a sign, kiosk, and benches at the walking path and garden in the back of the school. We will be digging post holes for the sign and kiosk, and setting the posts and pouring concrete. If time allows, we'll also begin assembly of the benches. It would be great to see as many of you there as possible, as this will require quite a large group of volunteers. The address is 535 County Road F, just south of the Dog Track, right by Camp St. Croix. The path begins on the backside of the school, so that's where we'll be working. Work gloves, water, and food will be provided. I hope to see you all there!
Eagle Project this Weekend
Alex Schutkoske's Eagle Project is this weekend at St. Patrick School, 4th
and St. Croix Streets.
Great Opportunity to earn service hours! The weather is suppose to be
awesome. Pizza, Drinks and Homemade Cookies.
Please bring a pair of work gloves. Dress to dig and plant.
Saturday 9/11 from 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Sunday 9/12 from 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Any time you can give is greatly appreciated
Fall Camporee September 24-26
No Meeting Sept 6
There will be no meeting on Labor Day, Monday, September 6. Enjoy the long weekend!
Fall Festival, Sept. 25
Troop 140 will again be running the food booth at the St. Joseph Fall Festival. This year the festival is September 25th. I haven't been given the times yet, but in the past, it has gone from 10 am to 2 pm. We will need several Scouts and adults to help run the booth. We sell brats, hot dogs, pop, nacho chips and the ever popular, pickles on a stick. A sign-up sheet will be available at the next Troop meeting so be sure to sign up. Scouts will earn service hours for helping.
Troop Calendar
The troop calendar is now updated for the 2010-2011 season. Be sure to print a copy and post it where you can see it! Details will be added throughout the year.