Please arrive at the cemetery at 9:30-9:40 to get ready for the ceremony.
Vale Zins Eagle project
Due to some delays with the construction company, he have to move my project back to June 19 instead of June 5. He will make the announcement on Monday. Check Troop announcement E-mail.
Meeting, May 24
Tonight's meeting will be held at the cemetery on top of the hill (9th and Wisconsin) where we will practice raising the flag for next week's Memorial Day ceremonies. The meeting will adjourn at 8:00 pm.
Star Camp Info
Bring health forms to Monday meeting.
Mr.Maline has sent information on Star Camp that all participants should review before Friday. You will find all Star Camp information under the links column.
Meet at Bethel at 3:00 PM on Friday. We are leaving early!
PLC Meeting Tonight, May 11
It's the 2nd Tuesday of the month. That means it's time for the PLC meeting. The meeting starts at 5:30 pm at Bethel Lutheran Church.
Vale Zins Eagle Project
For Vale Zins Eagle project he will need volunteers to help move materials to the new library building for the Friends of the Library; this would mostly include shelving, tables, and books. If you have a truck or a trailer that you could bring to help move (parents and older scouts), it would be greatly appreciated. The move is scheduled for June 5th but it there is a small chance for it to get pushed back to June 12th. We will meet at the Hudson Public Library. Snacks will be provided and this counts for service hours! There will be a sign up sheet on monday. If you can not make it to the meetings please contact Vale Zins.
Drew Lueneburg's Eagle Scout project
Drew will be planning on finishing up a major part of his Eagle Scout project on Saturday May 15th, and was hoping he could recruit some help! We will be assembling benches at his house, at 433 Swift Circle (near the middle school). We will be starting around 10 AM, and if you could bring a pair of safety glasses and a hammer that would be fantastic! Please contact Drew Lueneburg if you would like to come.
Attention Border Patrol:
Possible meeting this weekend, Saturday, May 8. at 9:00 am. We could take a hike to the water falls at Willow River State Park. We can meet at the Hudson Town Hall and car pool over to the park, our car has a state park sticker on it. The hike should last about two hours. Please wear class B's. Contact Eric Kolb if you can come.
Attention Grizzly Patrol (Brownsea Scouts)
Scouts should be working on their physical fitness requirement (pushups, pull-ups, sit-ups, standing long jump and ¼ mile run). We will begin testing on Monday 17th. Scouts should also be working on their design for the patrol flag.
Tomahawk Kick Off NIght
Monday May 10 we will be having our Camp Tomahawk kick off promotions night. We will be showing some Promotional videos of Camp Tomahawk and the T2 program. We will have important information and dates on upcoming events. We will be there to answer any question you may have about summer camp. All are welcome so please attend especially our new scouts and their parents. So mark your calendars for Tomahawk July 10-17 and join us this Monday for the kick off.
Star Camp Health Form
Anyone who is attending Star Camp on May 18-20, must complete the Star Camp Health Form.